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Theodore Barhydt was the Son of Mary Copp Barhydt. Upon her death, raised by his paternal uncle for whom he was named after. Married Henrietta Viola Schulteis on Oct. 23, 1897. One brother Nathan Barhydt. Operated several theatres, later building the Hippodrome and Indiana Theatres.

Viola Schulteis married Theodore Wells Barhydt on Oct. 23, 1897 in Quincy, IL. Theodore passed away April 5, 1927. Buried in Section 1, Lot 52. Cause of Death - Bronchial Pneumonia. Residence 1121 South 6th Street, Terre Haute. Source: OLD CEM Database/City of Terre Haute Website

The Quincy Daily Whig, Sunday, October 24, 1897; front page.


Marriage of Mr. Barhydt and
Miss Schultheis Yesterday.

The Ceremony Performed at the
Residence of the Bride's Parents.

Mr. Theodore W. Barhydt, Jr., and Miss Henrietta Viola Schultheis were married at 5:30 o'clock yesterday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schultheis, 417 Jersey street.

The wedding was a very simple one. There were no attendants, and the ceremony was witnessed by only the relatives, and a very few of the most intimate friends. The bride was married in her traveling dress. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Dana, and it was very impressive in its simplicity. Immediately after the ceremony, the guests sat down to a dainty wedding supper, and then, Mr. and Mrs. Barhydt were driven to the depot, to catch the 7 o'clock train for Chicago. teen wedding dresses

The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schultheis, and is a charming young lady, who is universally popular with all. She is a graduate of the Quincy Conservatory of Music, and is possessed of many graces of mind and person which have won for her the warmest regards of all with whom she has come in contact.

The groom was a member of the former firm of Chamberlain Barhydt & Co., the theatrical managers who controlled the Empire theater here, and a dozen other opera houses in as many different cities. He managed the Empire one season, and, during his residence in Quincy, made a host of warm friends, who will congratulate him upon winning one of Quincy's fairest daughters for his bride.

During the last two seasons, he has personally managed the Peoria house, and, at the same time, has given more or less attention to the other houses in the circuit, frequently changing places with Manager Passmore and Mr. Chamberlain. He has leased the new theater at Terre Haute, the finest opera house in Indiana. It will be opened November 2 with the "Isle of Champagne," and Mr. Barhydt must be there by that time.

He and his bride will go there from home, to which they will take the warmest well wishes of a wide circle of Quincy friends. Among the guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Barhydt, uncle and aunt of the groom; and Miss Mary E. Brown, a niece, all of Burlington.

After Barhydt’s death, She then married Albert D.Ehrmann, brother of Max Ehrmann.
She was Interred 26 Oct 1954, 80 Yrs Old, Ryan Funeral Home. Sec 1, Lot 52. Coronary Occlusion, Acute Diabetes Mellitis. St. Anthony's Hospital. Source: OLD CEM Database/City of Terre Haute Website.